
We are a Winnipeg-based publisher passionate about books that highlight local interests relevant to the prairie region.


If you have any questions or feedback or would like to reach the publisher, please email


We are interested in books by prairie authors, especially unique stories that highlight the heart of profound issues relevant to the prairie region. We are open to both fiction and non-fiction.

Current wants / don't wants:

  • ​Want
    • Non-fiction relevant to Canadian prairie residents
    • Fiction related to the prairies
    • Inspirational fiction or nonfiction provided there is a prairie connection
  • Don't Want
    • Tourism guide books
    • Generic fiction or nonfiction

If you would like to reach out before querying to find out if we'd be interested in your book, please email us.

To submit you book for consideration, please send an email to with the following:

  • A brief query letter introducing yourself and your book,
  • An outline or synopsis of your book, either pasted into the email or attached as a Word document (.doc or .docx),
  • The manuscript attached as a Word document (.doc or .docx).

At present, response time is within three to eight weeks.